
Judicial System of Dubai

Judicial System of Dubai: 

The judicial system of Dubai is divided into three levels, which is common in other parts of the world as well. The three levels of Dubai Courts are as follows:

1. Court of First Instance
2. Court of Appeal – Second Instance
3. Court of Cassation – 3rd Instance – High Court – Supreme Court

Establishment of  Courts: 
These levels of dubai Courts haven’t been in existence as it is since the start, rather, the laws for the establishment of these courts were issued one after the other. The law for the establishment of Dubai Courts was issued on the eighth of September 1970. This law not only decided the establishment of Dubai Courts but also specified the Chief Judge and divided the courts into personal and civil courts. At that time, there were two levels of litigation, the primary and the appellate. Along with the judiciary and judicial system, it was also a consideration to maintain and produce the quality of Legal Consultants. Therefore the Lawyers here like Dubai Lawyers(Emirati), Abu Dhabi Lawyers(Emirati), Sharjah Lawyers(Emirati), all are good and the best lawyers in the GCC region for the Sharia Islamic Laws as well as others(religious laws of expatriates).

Supreme Court Appeal: 
The Supreme Court of Appeal was formed after the issuance of Law No. 2 of 1979. Similarly, the Court of Cassation was formed after the issuance of Law No. 1 of 1988. The Law No. 3 of 1992 combined the three courts in one law and decided that the courts will consist of three courts.

Courts Department:
However, a department called the Courts Department was established after the issuance of Law No. 3 of 2000. The Courts Department had the authority to organise the courts in the Emirate of Dubai concerning financial and administrative matters. The issuance of Law No. 1 of 2003 established the Department of Justice, which had the power to supervise the courts and the public prosecution as well as the judicial inspection body to ensure reliance in the organisation. The department was responsible for regulating the courts, public prosecution and the judicial inspection authority.

The Department of Justice and New Formations: 
The Department of Justice was abolished in 2005, which resulted in the separation of Public Prosecution from the courts and restored the previous status of the courts. The courts were named Dubai Courts under this law and the name remains the same to this day. Currently, Dubai Courts Organisation Law of 2005, regulates the Dubai Courts and the restructuring done at that time remains the same.



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